Pop. 4,274; Area
292 sq. km. (113 sq. mi.)
The emblem of Sauherad
is an apple tree, depicted in
yellow, against a blue background. The administrative center for the
township of Sauherad is Akkerhaugen. Other towns are Gvarv, Nordagutu, Årnes,
and Hjuksevelta. Fruit-growing and
farming are the main occupations. The Sauar River winds its way through the
township between Lake Heddal and Norsjø. Margit Hjukse, heroine of the folk
ballad of the same name, was bewitched in the mountains near Hørte.
is a station on the Southern Line railway. The Telemark Skogplanteskule is a
nursery specializing in pine and fir trees.
from the Old Norse "hverfa", meaning turn or bend, was probably named after
the large bend in the river near the village. Sagavoll Folk High School is
in Gvarv.
Sights to See
Evju District Museum and Culture Center has a
varied collection of newer folk art. The museum buildings are typical
examples of local rural buildings from about the turn of the century.
Regular summer exhibitions of the work of local artists and artisans are
held here.
Nes Church
lies between Gvarv and Akkerhaugen on a point of land
that juts out into the Norsjø.
It is a stone church built about 1150 and is considered one of the loveliest
of the small churches in Telemark. The portals, corner stones and window
frames have been masterfully carved out of marble-like limestone. The
chancel is decorated with frescoes depicting the early mission church. The
Norwegian State Antiquarian described it as "undoubtedly the most beautiful
intimate interior space preserved in Norway, certainly among the best in
Norwegian interior art."
Sauherad Church
is a stone long church built in Romanesque style at the beginning of 1100.
The Church is known for a fresco in the chancel which was uncovered during
restoration in 1953. The fresco, known as "The Thousand Demons", depicts a
myriad of fantastic devil faces.
Klevar gård
(farm) was once one of the largest
farms in Sauherad. The cottage dates to 1798 and the loft is older. This
farm is the scene of the old legend of the Klevar-treasure, a hoard of
silver supposedly taken from the elves. |
Telelaget Genealogy
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