Telelaget Stevne
April 1-3, 2022
Spring Grove, Minnesota
Although COVID was still too unpredictale to allow planning for an in
person 7+ Lag Stevne, each of the 8 lags held their own stevne in 2022.
Stevne was held in beautiful Spring Grove.
Revy, (pronounced Rev'ee), opened the stevne on Friday afternoon
beginning at 4:00.
The line-up for this variety show included vocal and instrumental music, a Luren
Singer small group, Norwegian dancing, a dramatic reading, and a sing-a-long.
subject to change |
Friday, April 1 |
2:00 - 4:00 pm |
Registration |
Giants Building |
4:00 - 6:00 pm |
Norwegian Revy |
Cinema |
6:00-8:00 pm |
Cash Bar and Dinner Buffet |
Giants Building |
catered by Elsie's, Caledonia
Chicken/Pork chop;Potato, vegetable, bun,
dessert beverage |
7:30 pm |
Annual Meeting |
Giants Building |
very short! |
Saturday, April
2 |
7:45-8:45 am |
Breakfast |
Giants Building |
catered by Ivy Grove Cafe, Spring Grove
Scrambled eggs, muffin, yogurt, fruit,
coffee, water |
9 am-5 pm |
Genealogy Research Room |
Spring Grove Communications
Community Room |
Darrel Johnson
Telelaget's library available
Internet access |
9;00 am |
Exchange students,
trip to Norway,
receipt of Norway's Medal of Honor |
Cinema |
Lee Grippen |
10:00 am |
DNA in genealogy and public health |
Cinema |
Johnathan Storlie, PhD |
Coffee and cookies
available after the 9 and 10 o'clock presentations |
11:00 am |
Immigrants who settled in the area and
the Native Americans they displaced |
Giants building |
Bill Fried |
Noon |
Lunch |
Giants building |
Catered by Fat Pat's, Spring Grove
Pulled pork sandwich, potato salad, pickle,
cookie, beverage |
1:00 pm |
Red River Girl |
Cinema |
Jim Skree |
2:00-5:00 pm |
On your own options:
Visit Red River Girl exhibit |
Houston County Historical Society
in Caledonia |
Self-guided road trip to Red River Girl
locations |
Map included in registration packet |
Research in Genealogy Room |
Spring Grove Communications
Community Room |
5:00 pm |
Cash Bar and Dinner Buffet |
Giants Building |
Fun and Prizes
Catered by Elsie's, Caledonia
Chicken/Beef tips, potato, vegetable, bun,
dessert, beverage |
Sunday, April 3 |
8:00-9:00 am |
Breakfast |
Giants Building |
Catered by Ivy Grove Cafe, Spring Grove
Scrambled eggs, muffin, yogurt, fruit,
coffee, water |
11:00 am |
Worship |
Stone Church |
Noon |
Short road trip to Mound Prairie |
Jim Skree & Shelley Jerviss show us
where Red River Girl families - Thortvedts,
Gundersons,Veum/Hegglis - pioneered |
2 pm |
Luren Singers |
Trinity Lutheran Church
Spring Grove MN |
Stevne Area Museums and History Centers
Red River
Girl Exhibit at Houston County Historical Society
1859, Norwegian couple Olav Gunnarson and Tone Leivsdotter Songedal purchased a
farm in West Telemark called Thortvedt (Tortveit). Two summers later they joined
almost 100 fellow Norwegians emigrating to the United States from Fyresdal.
After nine years in Houston County, Minnesota, the family moved again to the
Buffalo River in Clay County. They named their new farm Thortvedt, the Buffalo
River Settlement sprang up around them, and the family established themselves as
some of the earliest settlers in Clay County. Olav and Tone's son Levi and
Levi's daughter Orabel also established themselves as two of the county's
earliest historians. The two recorded and saved a substantial amount of early
Clay County history in the form of their own drawings, paintings, photographs,
letters, and journals. In Red River Girl: From Telemark to the Buffalo,
Orabel's art illustrates this history, providing a unique firsthand narrative.
Norwegian-American collaboration between the Historical and Cultural Society of
Clay County and the West-Telemark Museum explores the tremendous
stories of the Thortvedt family, from Fyresdal to Glyndon and the many miles
between. In focusing on one family's experiences, Red River Girl
contributes to a richer understanding of America's immigrant history,
particularly our understanding of Norwegian immigration to the Red River Valley.
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