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July 14-17, 2010

Winona, Minnesota


Lag Banners at 7-Lag Stevne

"Rooted in Norway, Branches Grow" was the theme for the 7-Lag Stevne held at Winona (MN) State University from July 14 through the 17th. 44 Telelaget members attended, and 4 new members were signed up during the stevne.

Three tours were included in the activities:

  • A tour of historic Lanesboro and a performance of The Enchanted at the Commonweal Theatre with lunch at the Sons of Norway

  • A tour of Trempeleau County Wisconsin with a stop at the Soldiers Memorial Park in Arcadia

  • A tour of the city of Winona, a town with a rich history filled with wonderful Victorian architecture

As always, the variety of goods offered by the vendors was extensive and the quality was excellent.  Many attendees placed their orders for the first of three volumes of a translation of Martin Ulvestad's Nordmændene i Amerika  scheduled for publication in September.

Classes covered a broad spectrum of topics.  The "First Time Stevne-Goers Orientation," introduced by Telelaget last year, was again well attended. Classes by Telelaget members included a "Norwegian Folk Dancing" class led by Kjell and Elaine Nordlie.  Joran Olson explained the ins and outs of "Family Tree Maker" software. Anne Sladky explained the basics of  "Building a Personal Family Website." John Haugo teamed with Deb Nelson Gourley for a "Writing/Publishing Seminar."  A presentation by the National Eagle Center received rave reviews.


At the Friday night banquet, things were kicked off by the traditional Bunad Parade.  Marilyn Somdahl presented rosemaled bowls to the three lags celebrating their centennials in 2010: Hadeland Lag, Landingslaget, and Toten Lag.  Entertainment was provided by Scandium, a quintet from Northfield. They performed vocal and instrumental ballads from Norway and received a standing ovation for their efforts.

Saturday, 25 members of Telelaget gathered at Prairie Island Park for a picnic.

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