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Recommended Print Research SourcesBooks

The following is a list of books, sources and articles that offer information and insight into the experience of our Telemark ancestors.  Many are available through interlibrary loan at your local library.  Talk to your librarian about how to locate and order them. Many are also available for purchase. Check Amazon.com for current titles; many out-of-print books can be found on Ebay


English Language Publications

1. Anderson, Rasmus B. The first chapter of Norwegian immigration (1821-1840), its causes and results. Madison, Wis., published by the author, 1895. 476p. Also the 4th edition published in 1906. Concentrates on the first shipload of Norwegians in 1825, and the settlements in Illinois and southern Wisconsin.

2. Bergmann, Leola Nelson. Americans from Norway. New York, Lippincott, 1950. 324p.

3. Blegen, Theodore C. Norwegian migration to America. Northfield, MN, Norwegian American Historical Association, 1936-1940. 2 vol. The definitive American history of Norwegian migration.

4. Bygdelag publications. See the bibliography in Odd Lovoll's A folk epic.

5. Brown, Forrest. Norwegian-American family history: problems and resources. Minnesota Genealogist, Vol. 10, no. 1, March 1979. Norwegian-American family history: tracing the family within Norway. Minnesota Genealogist, family within Norway. Minn

esota Genealogist, Vol 10, no. 2, June 1979.

6. Census records. U.S. census on ten-year intervals from 1790-1910, except for the 1890 census which burnt. Also check for state census records which may have been taken (Minnesota did on ten-year intervals from 1865-1915). Most can be ordered on interlibrary loan.

7. Evjen, John O. Scandinavian immigrants in New York, 1630-1674; with appendices on Scandinavians in Mexico and South America, 1532-1640; Scandinavians in Canada, 1619-1620; some Scandinavians in New York in the eighteenth century; German immigrants in New York, 1630-1674. Minneapolis, Mn., K. Holter, 1916. 438p.

8. Flom, George T. A History of Norwegian immigration to the United States from the earliest beginning down to the year 1848. Iowa City, Ia., Private printing, 1909. 407p. Lists many of the immigrants and where they came from in Norway. Also includes a transcript of the membership list of the Koshkonong churches from 1844 to 1850.

9. Haugen, Einar I. The Norwegians in America, 1825-1975. Northfield, Mn., Norwegian American Historical Association, 1975. 35p. An introduction to Norwegian-American history with a bibliography listing the basic works in the field.

10. Hofstead, John A. American educators of Norwegian origin; a biographical dictionary. Minneapolis, Mn. Augsburg Pub. 1931. 316p.

11.ub. 1931. 316p.

11. Hovde, Oivind M. and Henzler, Martha E. Norwegian-American Newspapers in Luther College Library. Decorah, Iowa, Luther College Press, 1975. 82p.

12. Johansen, Carl. Clipping file from Tidende (with 867 envelopes identified in card file) Northfield, Mn. St. Olaf College Library.

13. Lovoll, Odd Sverre. A Folk epic; the Bygdelag in America. Boston, Ma., Twayne, 1975. 326p Includes histories of the individual bygdelags and a listing of their publications.

14. Maness, Ruth Ellen. Norwegian bygdeboker (community history) register. Comp. by Ruth Ellen Maness. Salt Lake City, Utah, International Reference Unit, LDS Genealogical Library, 1986. 123p.

15. Nelson, Olof N. History of the Scandinavians and successful Scandinavians in the United States. 2nd ed., rev. Minneapolis, Mn. 1900. 2 volumes in 1.

16. Norlie, Olaf Morgan. History of the Norwegian people in America. Minneapolis, Mn., Augsburg Pub., 1925. 602p.

17. Norlie, O.M. School calendar 1824-1924; a who's who among teachers in the Norwegian Lutheran synods of America. Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg Publishing House, 1924. Includes long-time Sunday school and parochial school teachers, including many women.

18. Norwegian-American Historical Association. Norwegian-American studies. Northfield, Mn. 1926- v. 1-

19. Oien, Iver I., editor. Pioneer history; Minnehaha County's Norwegian pioneers; history from the year 1866 to 1896. Sioux Falls, S.D., Sittig, 1976. 595p. Gathered and published by Minnehaha County's Norwegian Pioneer Organization. Translated and reprinted by Emily Brende Sittig and Clara Brende Christenson, 1976.

20. Olsen, Magnus B. Farms and fanes of ancient Norway; the place-names of a country discussed in their bearings on social and religious history. Translated from the Norwegian by Th. Gleditsch. Oslo, Ascheboug, 1926/ Cambridge, Ma., Harvard Univ. Press, 1928. 349p.

21. Olstad, Jan H. How to trace your ancestors in Norway. Free from the Norwegian Consulate. Lists the chief categories of records useful for family history research. Most of these records have been microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) and can be used through their local genealogical libraries. Free copies of this guide can be obtained from the Norwegian Consulate General in Minneapolis. Note particularly the addresses of the regional archives (statsarkiver). They will usually do preliminary checks (e.g. of church baptism or marriage records) without charge.

22. Passenger lists (microfilm). You need to know port of arrival and approximate date. Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York 1820-97 gives the reel number for reel number for specific arrival dates; microfilm can be ordered on interlibrary loan from the National Archives.

23. Qualey, Carlton Chester. Norwegian settlement in the United States. Northfield, Mn, Norwegian American Historical Association, 1938. 285p. A statistical survey.

24. Rosdail, Jesse Hart. The sloopers, their ancestry and posterity; the story of the people on the Norwegian Mayflower- the sloop "Restoration"  Broadview, Ill., Norwegian Slooper Sociesty of America, 1961. 668p.

25. Roseland, Jens Christian. American Lutheran biographies; or, Historical notices of over three hundred and fifty leading men of the American Lutheran Church, from its establishment to the year 1890. With a historical introduction and numerous portrait engravings by Rev. J.C. Jensson. Milwaukee, Wis., A. Houtkamp & Son, 1890. 901p

26. Rowberg file. (Clipping collection) Northfield, MN, Norwegian American Historical Association, St. Olaf College Library. About 120,000 clippings from newspapers and magazines, 1914-1960s.

27. Rygg, Andrew Nilsen. Norwegians in New York, 1825-1925. Brooklyn, N.Y., Norwegian News Co., 1941. 296p.

28. Semmingsen, Ingrid. Norway to America; a history of the migration. Tr. by Einar Haugen. Minneapolis, Mn., Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1978. 213p. Originally published in Norwegian as Drom og dad.in Norwegian as Drom og dad.

29. Smith, Frank (and) Finn A. Thomsen. Genealogical guidebook and atlas of Norway. Logan, Utah, Everton Publishers, Inc. 56p. Primarily an atlas with gazetteer, but also has lists of parishes, genealogical terms, etc.

30. Stagg, Frank Noel. East Norway and its frontier; a history of Oslo and its uplands. With a foreword by Professor Francis Bull. London, Allen & Unwin, 1956. 285p. West Norway and its fjords; a history of Bergen and its provinces. With a foreword by G.M. Gathorne-Hardy. London, Allen & Unwin, 1954. 245p. North Norway; a history. With a foreword by A.H. Winsnes. London, Allen & Unwin, 1952. 205p. South Norway. Foreword by Alf Sommergelt. London, Allen & Unwin, 1958. 232p. The heart of Norway; a history of the central provinces. With a foreword by the Bishop of Trondheim. London, Allen & Unwin, 1953. 194p.

31. Strand, Algot E. A history of the Norwegians of Illinois; a concise record of the struggles and achievements of the early settlers together with a narrative of what is now being done by the Norwegian-Americans of Illinois in the development of their adopted country... with the valuable collaboration of numerous authors and contributors. Chicago, J. Anderson, 1905. 560p.

32. Thomsen, Finn A. Genealogical maps & guide to the Norwegian parish registers. Bountiful, Ut., Thomsens'ul, Ut., Thomsens's Genealogical Center, 1987. 64p.

33. Thomsen, Finn A. Scandinavian genealogical research manual. Bountiful, Utah., Thomsens Genealogical Center, 1980. 3 vol. in 1. Vol. 1. Danish-Norwegian Language guide and dictionary. Vol. 2. The old handwriting and names of Denmark and Norway. Vol. 3. Danish-Norwegian genealogical research sources.

34. Vanberg, Bent. So deep are my roots. Minneapolis, Mn., Sons of Norway, 197-. 47p.

35. Wellauer, Maralyn A. Tracing your Norwegian roots. Milwaukee, Wis., Maralyn Wellauer, 1979. An introduction to Norwegian research.

36. Who's who among pastors in all the Norwegian Lutheran synods of America, 1843-1927. Translated and revised by Rasmus Malmin, O.M. Norlie, and O. A. Tingelstad. Minneapolis, Mn., Augsburg Pub., 1928. 662p.

37. World conference on records and genealogy Seminar. Salt Lake City, Utah. 1969. Papers:____Naeseth, Gerhard B. Norwegian settlements in the U.S.____Olstad, Jan H. Military records of Norway.___

38. Yearbook of the American Lutheran Church. Minneapolis, Augsburg Publ, 1961- Continues: 1930-1960 Yearbook by the American Lutheran Church (and) Evangelical Lutheran Church-Yearbook of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.


Norwegian Reference Sources

1. Andresen, Harald. Norsk Lokalhistorie, en bibliograf. Bergen. Unistorie, en bibliograf. Bergen. Universitetsforlaget. 1969. 148p. Bibliography of Bygeb¢ker arranged by name of parish. Heimen helps update the information.

2. Aschehoug og Gyldendals. Store Norske Leksikon. Oslo, Kunnskapsforlaget, 1978. 12 vols. A comprehensive 12 volume encyclopedia of Norway.

3. Barstad, Johanna. Litterature om utvandringen fra Norge til Nort-Amerika, en bibliografi basert på katalogen over Norsk-Amerikansk Samling, 1975. 205p. A bibliography on emigration from Norway.

4. By- og bygdeb¢ker. Catalog of bygdeb¢ker available from J. W. Cappelen, Kirkegt. 15, Oslo 1, Norway.

5. Coldevin, Axel. Norske storgårder. 1950. 2 vol.

6. Diplomatarium Norvegicum. 21v.

7. Fladby, Rolf og Imsen, Steinar. Lokalshistorie fra gård til tettsled. Oslo, Capellen, 1974. 99p.

8. Fladby, Rolf og Tranberg, Anna. Lokalhistorisk litteratur 1969-1984. Oslo, Norsk Lokalhistorisk Institutt, 1986. 81p.___

9. Folketeljinga 1801. Oslo, Statistisk sentralbyra, 1980. 165p.

10. Folketællingen i Kongeriget Norge, 3 December 1900. Kristianai I kommissionhos. H. Aschehoug 1903-1906. 7v.

11. Hansen, Morten. Norske slektsb¢ker, en bibliograf. Oslo. H. Aschehaug & Co., 1965. Lists family histories published to 1965, including those printed in periodicals. Includes many for Norwegian-American families. Includes many for Norwegian-American families.

12. Heskestad, Olav. Kalendar for historie og Ættegransking. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1965.

13. Holand, Hjalmar Rued. De Norske Settlementers Historie, med bygde-og navneregister. Ephraim, Wis. 1908. Describes the majority of Norwegian settlements in America with some personal details. An English translation by Malcolm Rosholt is available in manuscript form at St. Olaf College.

14. Johnson, John A. Det Skandinaviske Regiments historie. LaCrosse, Wis., 1869.

15. Krag-Ronne, Cato. Ættegransking. Oslo, 1943. A list of Norwegian parishes and their inter-relationships, with the dates their records begin.

16. Langeland, Knud. Nordmænde i Amerika; nogle optegnelser om de Norske udvandring til Amerika. Chicago, Ill., J. Anderson, 1889. 224p..___

17. Langseth, Peder O. Norske settlementer og menigheder i Sherburne, Benton og Mille Lacs countier, Minn. Minneapolis, Mn., 1905.

18. Lassen, Wilhelm. Norske Stamtavler. 1868.

19. Maps. Excellent collections at University of Minnesota Map Library and at St. Olaf College Library. The section "Important addresses" also lists places that sell  maps.

20. Matrikkel (tax lists):
Skaattematrikkelen 1647.
Jordebrugene og Matrikulskyld 1838.
Matrikulerede Eiendomme og Deres Skyld 1888.
Norges Matrikkel 1907.
Available at the University of Minnesota.

21. Michalsen, Fin. Slekten; innforing i ættengrasking. Oslo, Tanum, 1965? 87p.

22. Norge. Oslo, Cappelen, 1963. 4 v. Volume 1 covers the land and the people. Volumes 2-3 contain descriptions, photographs, and outline maps of each fylke and herred. Volume 4 is an atlas and gazeteer.

23. Norges bebyggelse, 1954-1958. Multi-volume set with photographs and descriptions of farms in parts of Norway not described by Norske gardsbruk.

24. Norges forste folketelling 1769. (First population census in Norway 1769) Oslo, Statistisk sentralbyra, 1980. 368p.

25. Norlie, Olaf M. Norsk lutherske menigheter i Amerika, 1843-1916. Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg Publishing House, 1918. 2 vol. American Lutheran Church Yearbook. 624p. Church directories of Norwegian Lutheran settlements.

26. Norlie O.M. Norsk Lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913. Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg Publishing House, 1914. American Lutheran Church. Directory of Norwegian pastors.

27. Norsk Biografisk Leksikon. Oslo, H. Aschehoug & Co., 1921- . Vol. 1- A multivolume biographiCo., 1921- . Vol. 1- A multivolume biographical reference covering Norwegian history including genealogical information.

28. Norsk slektshistorisk tidsskrift. Semiannual. Oslo, Cammermeyer. V. 1, 1927-

29. Norsk stedfortegnelse (Norwegian place-list). Oslo, Postdirektorastet, 1972. Published by the postal service, giving the postal addresses and telephone exchanges for all farms, towns, churches, etc., and the herred and fylke in which they are located.

30. Norske gardsbruk (Norwegian farmsteads). Oslo, Forlaget Norske Gardsbruk, 1941- 20+ vols. Pictures and brief descriptions of most farms in the southern and central parts of Norway. A similar series for southwestern and west coast counties is called Norges bebyggelse. No directories exist for Sogn og Fjordane, M¢re og Romsdal, and the three northern counties.

31. Personalhistorisk tidsskrift udgivet af Samfundet for dansk-norsk genealogi og personal historie. Semiannual. (v. 107, 1987)

32. Raabe, Gustav Elisar. Norsk litteratur og boker om Norge trykt i utlandet, 1926-1930. Olso, Cammermeyers boghandel, 1935. 79p. Norwegian literature and books on Norway printed abroad.

33. Raabe, Gustav E. Norsk Slektshistorisk Literatur Otkommet. Lists books only.

34. Rygh, Oluf. Norske gaardnavne (Norwegian farm names). Oslo, Fabritius, 1897-1936. 20v. Traces the history and meaning of farm names. Arranged by fylke, herred, and sogn. Includes all main farms, a selection of sub-divisions (bruk). Gives matrikkel (tax roll) numbers. Volume 19 contains an alphabetical index to the farm sites.

35. Sandnes, Jorn. Norsk stadnamnleksikon. Redigert av Jorn Sandnes og Ola Stemshaug. Redaksjonssekretær Kolbjorn Aune. Oslo, Samlagset, 1976. 359p.

36. Schilbred, C. S. Kjenn din slekt! kort veiledning i slektsforskning. Oslo. Studentsamfundets Friundervisnings Forlag, 1973, 1980. 108p.

37. Schilbred, C. S. Slekt og milj¢; nokkel til slektsforskning, veiledning for begynner. Oslo, Schibsted, 1976. 104p.

38. Semmingsen, Ingrid. Drom og dad; utvandringen til Amerika. Oslo, Aschehoug, 1975. 167p. Published in English as Norway to America.

39. Semmingsen, Ingrid. Utvandringer og det Utflyttede Norge. Oslo, Aschehoug, 1964.

40. Semmingsen, Ingrid. Veien mot vest; utvandringen fra Norge til America. Oslo, 1941-1950. 2 vol.

41. Telephone books. A collection for Norway is available at St. Olaf College Library.

42. Thuesen, Nils Petter. De eldste norske byer; forhistorie, oppkomst og tidlig utvikling. Tekst, kilder og oppgaver ved N.P. Thuesen. Oslo, Fabritiusver ved N.P. Thuesen. Oslo, Fabritius, 1979. 80p.

43. Ulvestad, Martin. Nordmaendene i Amerika, deres historie og rekord. Minneapolis, History Book Company's Forlag, 1907-1913. Two editions. 1907 edition-871p. The first part is the same in each; lists by state and county of the earliest Norwegian settlers, lists of Norwegians who served in American wars, of Norwegians who held elective office, etc. The second part in the 1907 (1 volume) edition lists Norwegians who came from various Norwegian bygds (communities). The second volume in the 1913 edition is a list of about 25,000 names with basic information (when they emigrated and from where, where they settled, occupation). It also serves as an index to the first volume.

44. Ulvestad, Martin. Norge i Amerika med kart; oplysninger om de norske Amerikanere, --deres bosteder, beskjæftigelse, storre goretagender, kirhelige virksomhed, udvikling, antal, indflydelse, fodebygder (i Norge) og hver enkelt state, country's og bys grografiske beliggenhed, storrelse, næringskilder med mere. Udarbeider af Martin Ulvestad. Minneapolis, Mn., Norge i Amerika Pub. Co., 1901. 624p. Arranged by American communities, listing some of the Norwegians living in each around 1900.



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