Halvor Tovsen Lyngflaat, son of Tov Olvesson
Laaviken and Tårån Hojesdtr bas baptized in Tinn on August 1, 1803. He arrived
in Boston from Gothenburg on July 31, 1839 and settled in Norway Township,
Racine County, Wisconsin. His wife, Gro Herbjørnsdtr (age 40) and another family
member, perhaps his brother?, Niels Tovsen Lyngflaat (age 16 1/2) immigrated
with him.
Source: Utvandrarregister
for Tinn 1837-1907
Source: Norwegian Immigrants To The United
States, A Biographical Directory, 1825-1850. Volume One 1825-1843. By Gerhard B. Naeseth. p.
74, #140.