Ejel Olsen Kleven

Ejel Olsen Kleven was born in Seljord on February 7, 1895.  His parents were Olav Egilsen Kleivi and Ingebjørg Knutsdtr Kvammen.  On October 21, 1821, Ejel married Astrid Torstensdtr Søum.  She was the daughter of Tosten Torjersen Søum and Live Gunlechsdtr and was born in Tinn on August 10, 1800.

Their children were all born in Norway:  Ole was born August 18, 1822 and died in April of 1857. Gullik, born December 1, 1827, served with Company E of the 18th Wisconsin Regiment during the Civil War and died in 1918.  Ingeborg was born February 24, 1830; Liv, August 26, 1833; Gro, Feburary 17, 1837-January 1844; and Olaf, born March 5, 1841.  

The family emigrated from Skien on the Winterflid and arrived in New York on July 29, 1843.  They settled in Norway Township, Racine County, Wisconsin. Astrid died on February 26, 1867 and Ejel died February 16, 1877. Both are buried in Muskego Lutheran Cemetery. 

Source: Norwegian Immigrants To The United States, A Biographical Directory, 1825-1850. Volume One 1825-1843. By Gerhard B. Naeseth. p. 259, #1275-1282

Contributed by Jackie Hufschmid