Herbjorn Gunnulvsen Hagen, son of Gunnulv Torgersen Dale and Aase Herbjornsdatter Moen, was born in Tinn, Telemark, on Sept. 13, 1818.
He emigrated on the ship Argo and arrived in New York from Havre, July 26, 1843. He went immediately to the Muskego settlement in Wisconsin where he married Aslaug Hansdtr Tveito on December 31, 1843. She was the daughter of Hans Helleksen Tveito and Signe Halvorsdatter Tveito. Aslaug was born in Tinn, Sept. 4, 1820, and had also emigrated with her family to Wisconsin Territory in 1843.
Source: Norwegian Immigrants To The United States, A Biographical Directory, 1825-1850. Volume One 1825-1843. By Gerhard B. Naeseth. p. 238-239, #976. Contributed by Jackie Hufschmid