Holje Tovson Faane

Holje Tovson Faane was married to Sigrid Gjermundsdtr Haakenes on June 20, 1836.  She was the daughter of Gjermund Tovsen Haakenaes and Turi Knudsdtr.  Two daughters were born in Norway: Thuri, born January 22, 1837 and Aase, born March 13, 1840.

The family emigrated on the Emilie and arrived in New York on August 12, 1840, and made their way to Norway Township, Racine County, Wisconsin Territory.

Four more children were born in America:  Tov (1844?), Gjermund (1846?), Ole (1848?) and Turine (1850?).

Source: Norwegian Immigrants To The United States, A Biographical Directory, 1825-1850. Volume One 1825-1843. By Gerhard B. Naeseth. p. 101, #57-60. 

Contributed by Jackie Hufschmid