Torstein Østensen Bøen


Torstein Øysteinsen Bøen, son of Øystein Nilsen Bakhus and Aase Torsteinsdatter, born on the Bakhuus farm in Tinn on May 26, 1817. His wife was Kari Østensdatter Ingolfsland. She was born April 21, 1820, to Øystein Gunnulfsen Bøen and Aasne Johnsdatter.  They were married April 13, 1841 and their oldest son Øystein Torsteinsen Bøen was born Jan. 15, 1842. Torstein and Kari sailed on the Ellida with others from Tinn. When the Ellida arrived in New York in August of 1842, eight were dead of cholera and 30 were "half dead". 

Torstein and Kari settled at Muskego, Wisconsin Territory, where Anne, Aase, Brita, and a second Øysten were born. A dozen years after arriving in Wisconsin, Torstein and Kari and two other couples made the seven week journey to Minnesota Territory, and became the first settlers at Norseland in Nicollet County (now St. Peter). Their sons Nels, John and Ole were born in Minnesota.

Torstein died June 25, 1906 and is buried with his wife in Norseland Lutheran Cemetery.



Gene Estensen


Source: Norwegian Immigrants To The United States, A Biographical Directory, 1825-1850. Volume One 1825-1843. By Gerhard B. Naeseth. p. 140, #221-223.  Contributed by Jackie Hufschmid