Ole Anderssen


Pioneer Pastor Ole Anderssen AasenThe pioneer pastor, Ole Anderssen Aasen, may have been the "Ole Anderssen" who signed the Manifesto.

He was born on March 2, 1818, on a husmannplass in Bø.  He grew up working as a shepherd boy, but also had the opportunity to attend the Kosa school in Brunkeberg.   Ole and his sister Kari sailed to America on the ship Emelie from the port of Drammen in 1841.  He settled in Muskego and found work on a farm, but in 1842 he began his life's calling as a lay preacher. In 1843, he married Ragnhild (Rachel). He and Rachel eventually moved to Jefferson Prairie in Rock County, and sources place him there on a farm with his family in 1844, which could bring his identification as the "Ole Anderssen" who signed the Muskego Manifesto into question, although it is entirely possible that he returned to Muskego to put his name on this important letter.    


For more about Ole "Andrewson," read this English language article on the Hjartdal Historielag website: http://www.hjartdalhistorielag.no/emigr/andrewson.htm#english


Contributed by Leif Skoje of Hjartdal.