Jon Alfsen Veseth


John Alfsen Veset, son of Alv Johnsen Veset and Aase Kjetilsdatter Kaase, born in Tinn, Nov. 26, 1813.  Ingeborg Gunleiksdatter Saaheim, daughter of Gunleik Torgeirsen Saaheim and Anne Olsdatter Dale, born in Tinn, May 1, 1812.

John and Ingeborg were married Nov. 28, 1840 and emigrated from Tinn, Telemark on the schooner Ellida.  They arrived in New York from Gothenburg, Aug. 9, 1842. At the time of their immigration, Jon was 22 1/2 years old and Ingeborg was 30. 


Source: Utvandrarregister for Tinn 1837-1907


Source: Norwegian Immigrants To The United States, A Biographical Directory, 1825-1850. Volume One 1825-1843. By Gerhard B. Naeseth. p. 135, #158-159.  Contributed by Jackie Hufschmid